
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Pre-application for Internal Models - EIOPA's FINAL preparatory guidance for national supervisors

So the March consultation document for internal model pre-application brought a few eye-openers for those countries partaking in a less onerous application process than that favoured by the UK, with the detail in it suggesting that the UK very much had the whip hand in its drafting.

On the basis that there were still areas which even the most hardened IMAP-veteran may have winced at, it was interesting to see if anything got dropped in the lobbying stampede. On that basis, the final guidance for internal model pre-application covers the following in the preamble;

  • 3.10 - That it is not in the NCAs gift to conduct pre-application preparation along the lines of provisional approval or to provide "roadmaps" to compliance (which may explain the PRA's caginess with the industry). It is purely about a firm's preparedness and suitability to submit an application
  • 3.33 - On request, EIOPA have introduced a compulsion for NCAs to provide "regular feedback" to firms
  • 3.35 - Confirms that not all model changes need to be reported to NCAs during pre-application, just those considered "relevant" by firms themselves
It is fair to say that the lobbying in this space has been noticeably more successful than for ORSA or System of Governance, no doubt due to the smaller sub-set of affected stakeholders having a more concentrated relevance. That said, there were still a number of rebuffs from EIOPA, particularly where the lobbying looked more like whinging about paperwork volumes! Highlights below;

Model Change Policy
3.38 - No danger of EIOPA supporting the recommendation to "fast track" model change approvals if a "major change" is required at short notice. They instead recommend "proactivity" with NCAs. Not sure what this does for the world of opportunistic acquisitions though
3.40 - Fudged the question as to whether parameter changes are considered "major", offering an answer of 'it depends' which, for me at least, leans more towards 'yes they are'.

Use Test
3.42 - Confirms that evidencing "use" is not compelling use of model outputs over and above other techniques

Assumptions and Expert Judgement
3.46 - Documentation and validation of assumption setting and expert judgements considered "crucial" in order for undertakings to counter the lack of data and subjectivity in those processes
3.47 - A guideline has also been amended to confirm that the materiality principle applies for this topic
3.48 - Only the most material assumptions will need AMSB sign-off

Methodological Consistency/PDF/Calibration
A number of changes made to clarify guidance in these areas

Profit and Loss Attribution
3.64 - No escaping the requirements to produce P&L attribution granularity at Legal Entity level, as well as by risk driver

3.68 - EIOPA do not accept that those who build models may also validate them

3.70 - That the guidance around the documentation of the internal model should provide "...[protection] from key-person risk", which I have never seen offered as justification from the supervisory end before

Ultimately, there have been no huge concessions from the position in March, which one would think will cause a number of the more liberal EU regulators to give serious consideration to "explaining" rather than "complying" - that said, with this having been written in Union Jack ink, my British cousins should simply get their transition planning updated accordingly.

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