Thursday 29 September 2011

CROs and the Society of Actuaries in Ireland - from the President's mouth

A subject very dear to my heart (from a self preservation perspective more than anything!) was the subject of additional comment in the President of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland when giving the president's address for 2011.

Whilst he naturally states (p8) that the head of the actuarial function roles will be the preserve of the current holders of appointed/signing actuary roles, and that "any other outcome would be bizarre", he then goes on to talk of the "big Solvency II prize for us as a profession" of leadership of the risk management function, which anecdotal evidence suggests is a role favouring the actuarial profession ahead of other disciplines.

Of course while I would love to counter the argument with the Institute of Risk Management's suite of arguments in favour of the risk management profession (blogged on extensively already), I then found that the latest CRO hire was of course an actuary (making the score 3-0 to the actuaries since I started keeping it)!

Time to step up our game 'Riskies'...

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